Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Servers and port numbers

Oracle 1521
bea weblogic 7001 HTTPS 7002
tomcat 8080 https 8081
Web sphere  server 
JBOSS 8080
Point Base databse  database is bea default database for Portals and content managenet
  • DB2: 50000 and 50001
  • SQL Server: 1433
  • LDAP: 389 is the default, but if you choose to separate your LDAP server from your WebSphere servers with a firewall, this port will also need to be configured.
HTTP transport port9080DatabaseDatabase
HTTPS transport port9443

SSO(single sign On)
oracle oblix  in wiki

bea Netegrity 

Netegrity Siteminder(CA ) provides web SSO and authorization services 

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